RijnType is a block cipher capable of enciphering blocks between
128 and 512 bits in size, in steps of 32.
The key for encryption or decryption can vary between 128 and 1024
bits in size, independently of the data block bit size.
The block cipher Rijndael won the AES competition in 2000 and RijnType
is an extended fast Rijndael clone;
i.e. with caveats, it produces identical output, when used within the
range of the published limits of Rijndael
(128-256 bits, in steps of 32, for both data and key array sizes).
However, it executes up to 14 times faster than the Rijndael reference
code given in ref. 2 Appendix E,
and so may be of interest to security officers attempting to speed
up Rijndael secured networks.
RijnType was written specifically to work in conjunction with the prime order elliptic curves that I have for sale on this web site which is www.kahnet.co.uk. The alternative to elliptic curve public key techniques would be the RSA algorithm. But the RSA public key algorithm is now considered too weak to be included in new build projects. The elliptic curve method has superseded it as the public key algorithm of choice for use in conventional public key/block cipher cryptosystems. [Any network still using the RSA public key algorithm needs to upgrade to Elliptic Curve techniques a.s.a.p.]
Recall that for a 'balanced' elliptic curve / block cipher cryptosystem,
the elliptic curve Field bit size has to be double the bit size of the
block cipher.
I can generate prime order elliptic curves of 1024 bits (or more, possibly
much more, if anybody needs them),
by means of the Atkin Morain method.
However, such immensely strong elliptic curves are of little value
without a balancing block cipher component, adjustable up to 512 bits in
This was the driving force behind the development of block cipher 'RijnType'.
The statements above lead to the conclusion
that RijnType (working near to it's full strength)
is too strong be paired with the RSA
algorithm, and that the Elliptic Curves offered for sale
on this site
provide an almost unique resource for
providing the public key component to do this.
[the Atkin Morain
discussion page supplies the justification for these comments]
The Field primes for the Elliptic Curves
for sale have been selected to have fast processing times.
Hence by combining RijnType with the
Elliptic Curves for sale on this site,
a very fast and very secure cryptographic
package would be created.
Having no skills at block cipher design myself, I have followed
the design principles of block cipher Rijndael given in ref.
in other words RijnType is my version of how Rijndael might look if
it were extended.
At the same time as extending Rijndael, I have taken the opportunity
to introduce some 'speed enhancing' features into the RijnType code
(following comments in Ref. 2) while leaving it's underlying logic
The following pages relate to RijnType
(a) A C++
code listing (a .html file which can easily be turned into RijnType.cpp).
(b) A '.h'
file listing (a .html file which can easily be turned into RijnType.h).
(c) A html
document discussing items (a) and (b).
(d) The technical
references for RijnType.