I offer the following goods and services for sale :-

 Contact details can be found on the 'Home' page.
[Do not hesitate to contact me even if you only suspect that I may be able to meet your software needs.]

All payments must be by personal cheque; no other form of payment will be accepted.
No items will be dispatched until payment has been cleared into my account.
Once payment has been cleared, every effort will be made to dispatch goods within 1 week.

  Any prices given are minimum charges where the buyer is a small or medium sized
UK based cryptographic software business producing bespoke security solutions for small networks.
The price for inclusion into major projects will be negotiated on a case by case basis.

  In general, I will not sell to any organization not registered at Companies House in the U.K. as a cryptographic software developer.
I have no export license for these products, and all expenses incurred in obtaining one will be passed on to the buyer.

Items available

[A]  Lists of Hilbert Class polynomials on CD.

    All files on these CD's are simple text files with data in decimal format.
    In addition to the polynomials themselves, the CD's contain lists of binary quadratic forms and intermediate variable values that lead to the polynomials themselves. These values are likely to be of greater interest to theoreticians than cryptographic software teams.
    Polynomials for all even and odd fundamental negative discriminants are supplied.
    Once in possession of these polynomials, many cryptographic software houses will be able to set up their own Atkin Morain capability with only moderate effort. The majority of the modules needed to do this will almost certainly exist within such business's.

    [CD 1] All polynomials of degree 1 - degree 56 inclusive.
            Price £100, inclusive of post and packaging.
    [CD 2] All polynomials of degree 57 - degree 67 inclusive.
            Price £50, inclusive of post and packaging.
    [CD 3] All polynomials of degree 68 - degree 72 inclusive.
            Price £50, inclusive of post and packaging.
            Price for all 3 :- £150, inclusive of post and packaging.
[Contact me if you need Hilbert Class polynomials of a degree higher than above. I can provide these on DVD disc with about 2 weeks notice.
  Price £100 per set.]

[B] Fast bignum multiplication software.

  See msummary.html for details of theses. The items for sale are 64-bit versions which can only run on 64-bit capable Pentium x86 processors working under a 64-bit operating system.

[C] Fast Multiplicative Inverse Finding Software

  I believe that my software to perform this task is the fastest available anywhere. See eucnotes.html and fastmuli.html for details of the method I use. The version for sale is a 64-bit version which can only run on 64-bit capable Pentium x86 processors working under a 64 bit operating system.

[D] Elliptic Curve cryptography support services

  There are so many possible variations of the service I can supply on this topic, that listing them would be tedious. Instead, contact me with your needs and it should be possible to come to an agreement.

[E] Software writing services

  (i) As explained on the Atkin Morain Notes page, the time to process elliptic curves over FIPS type primes benefits significantly by having the 'mod' operation performed using the procedures outlined in ref. 4 and written in assembler. I can provide such modules. For 32-bit code, the 32-bit assembler section would be embedded within a 'C' wrapper so that the whole is ready to be cut and pasted into a project and compiled. 64-bit assembler modules need to be linked into a project.
         Price :- to be agreed.

  (ii) I can provide lists of the Atkin Morain {discriminant / h(D)} solution points for any specific prime. I recommend obtaining these lists as a precursor to purchasing item (iii) below, since project planning may depend on the outcome.
         Price :- £250.

  (iii) I can use Atkin Morain to calculate a large number of elliptic curves over any prime. This service will be of particular interest to software houses that have had an elliptic curve system running for some time and are getting nervous that attrition has rendered it suspect. Changing to another non-isomorphic prime order elliptic curve reinstates the original system strength with a minimal software rewrite. It will also be of interest to software houses trying to extend a basic product so as to permit the partitioning of a data space using the technique of a different elliptic curve (over the same prime) for each partition.
[At present my software is constrained somewhat as to the degree of polynomial that I can factor. Discuss your requirements with me before committing yourself. I am working to remove this constraint as you read this.]
         Price :- to be agreed.

  (iv) The Atkin Morain method can be made to produce many types of results. If you think I can be of assistance, do not hesitate to contact me to get my opinion on the possibility of some solution and a quoted price to do the work.
         Price :- No charge.

  (v) I have many subroutines and classes related to 'number theory' many of which are the fastest available. These modules can be fitted together quickly to handle many tasks in the subject. Again, contact me to discuss possibilities and obtain a quoted price if you need results quickly.
         Price :- No charge.

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